Would you like to get to know us better? Startblock is where everyone new to the church can get to know us. Here you have the opportunity to ask questions, connect with others, discover your gifts and have a strong start in the church in every sense.
The next Startblock is on 22.5. and 5.6. (Part 1 & 2) from 19:30 to 21:30 at the Oskar-Röder-Str. 3, Dresden.
Startblock is non-binding, even if you are looking to connect and are still unsure if Jesus Gemeinde is a good fit for you.
These are the topics of the Startblock.
- Welcome to the Jesus Gemeinde family
- Let’s get to know each other
- Develop your potential
- Find your place
We are looking forward to meeting you in person.
Small groups
Small groups are a fundamental part of Jesus Gemeinde. Church life consists not only of the big meetings on Sunday but also of the small personal meetings with people with whom you can share your faith.
We have small groups across the region
Umland West
Would you like to join a small group? Contact our office:
In addition, there are various interest groups that focus together on their hobby, passions or interests.
Are you interested in a small or interest group? We will be happy to help you find the right group. Contact our office using the form:
Cool that you want to stop by the youth!
We love worship, want to know Jesus better, have enough pillows for pillow fights and should never be hungry, because we cook together every time. That’s why we meet three times a month at 7 pm at Schandauer Straße 60 (S60) with exactly these focuses. Once a month we meet in smaller groups – the Connect Groups. The Connect Groups help you to connect easily, to share personal things and ask questions, and to engage in casual conversation.
We are always open to new faces and are eager to meet you! For more information, send us an email to or a message on our Instagram page. You can also find a few more photos on Instagram.
Come by – we look forward to seeing you!
Martin Schieferdecker
We are a team
Joining our church means being part of a wonderful team, discovering and developing your gifts and skills, serving others, and experiencing friendships.
If you would like to be part of our team, you will find a lot of information here about areas you can get involved in. Feel free to contact us if you are interested in joining a team!

Children's service



Royal Rangers






Are you interested in joining one of our teams? We would be very happy to put you in contact with the team. Just fill out the contact form and we will get back to you soon!
Children’s service
God loves children, wants to bless them especially and also make them a blessing for others. Children are a gift and the future of our community. We consider it a privilege to love, nurture and shape them. Children’s worship is not childcare, but a special service where we celebrate God with children, experience Him, hear from Him, and have joy together.
If you enjoy being around children and working in a team, you are welcome to become part of the children’s worship service. There are different tasks – everyone can contribute with ideas and talents and also try new things. Playing with the kids, being creative, little plays on stage, music, dance and much more – fun with the kids and staff guaranteed!
MiniKidz is the offer for the very youngest of the large Jesus Gemeinde family – for families with children aged 0-4 years. It is a matter close to our hearts to strengthen the families in their foundation phase. We want to give the children a positive first worship experience. We believe that God can speak to us no matter our age and expect His supernatural action in our meetings!
Important to know: All of our staff have a big heart for children and for God. Most of them have no pedagogical training. All topics are prepared centrally and toys and craft materials are also provided. Because sharing also plays a big role for young families, we want to have an open ear, pray for each other, or sometimes arrange pastoral care if we feel more counseling is needed. Thus, the MiniKidz are both: family ministry and children’s ministry.
Royal Rangers
The Royal Rangers are Christian scouts whose goal is to reach girls and boys with the good news and accompany them on their journey with Jesus. We achieve this through exciting outdoor activities (paddling, climbing, hiking, cooking over a fire…), which challenge the children and strengthen their character. As a team, they learn to interact positively with their fellow human beings and to develop real team spirit. At camps and hajks we spend the night in tents, bivouac or just sleep in a sleeping bag in the nature. If you like to be outdoors, just drop by. You don’t have to be able to do everything if you want to join us – personal growth is always possible 🙂
The setup team takes care of transforming the gymnasium and the school building of the St.-Benno-Gymnasium into a worship building and back into a school every Sunday. For this purpose, we set up the chairs and many other things for the service together with a house group that is assigned in each case, whereby we mainly take over the coordination of the tasks. We are happy about everyone who wants to help. You are welcome to drop in and, if you would like to be a part of it, you will be assigned a more experienced team member the first few times to learn the ropes. Be there to help lay the foundation for our worship services in a very practical way.
In our meetings we want to honor God. For this we also want to use the God-given gift of music and singing together and put HIM in the center. With our music we want to take worshipers into His presence, like a waiter who accompanies and serves a dinner between Jesus and the bride (congregation). For this we worship with “spiritual songs in our hearts” (Eph. 5, 19).
Who are we looking for? Do you love musical worship of God and have experience singing/playing in front of groups? Are you ready for real teamwork? Then join us, come to a taster meeting and learn how we use music for HIS glory in our music teams.
We are looking for YOU on: Drums, Strings, Guitar, Bass, Piano, Synth or Vocals. Other instruments are also welcome.
We want everyone to have a good time in worship. We want everyone to praise God at the top of their lungs in worship. We want everyone to hear the word of God. For this we need to understand each other, for this we need to set up sound equipment. We are looking for anyone who is still looking for a practical way to get involved in the church. We have many opportunities for hands-on work, from winding cables to mixing sound. You will be part of a team and will be trained. We also offer annual training on topics that will help us grow as a team.
The lighting team not only provides beautiful and atmospheric lighting in church services and video recordings, but also “worships God in a visual way”. Spotlights and effect devices create a good atmosphere and emphasize the music.
Our team can be found in many places: Regularly in the evening service and youth, now also in the morning service as well as at worship concerts, conferences and other big events. Lighting technology is used not only in Dresden, but also at the other locations.
Together we plan the technology, set it up and take it down again, program and operate the software and have a lot of fun together. What is necessary for this can be learned at regular lighting technology meetings.
If you like worship, want to contribute your creative ideas, can climb more than one rung on the ladder and have successfully turned on a computer before, you are welcome to join our friendly team.
Let’s bring light into the darkness together!
Arrive, be seen, be welcome. That is the goal of the Welcome Team. We are a big church family and want to live hospitality. “Hello, glad you’re here!” “Can I help you?” “You’ll find the restroom in the basement!”
We are looking for people who enjoy putting a smile on the face of worshipers with a kind word and being a point of contact. We “Welcomers” are usually the first people the worshippers meet at Jesus Church.
With us, no one should be left to their own devices – neither worshipers nor team members in the Welcome Team. As a “newcomer” in the team you are not responsible for a service alone. You will be shown everything and are welcome to bring your questions and ideas to the team.
We represent the hospitality of Jesus Gemeinde!
We want everyone in the church to feel like part of our family. Our concern is to create a feel-good atmosphere so that, if possible, everyone will want to stay longer after the service to talk and pray for each other.
Anyone who would like to help create such an atmosphere and demonstrate “love for others” in its practical aspect by lending a hand is welcome to join the coffee team. Our practical tasks include: Making coffee, serving cookies, preparing tables for coffee after the service, giving people a friendly smile after the service, and offering coffee/tea with cookies.
Are you ready to join our great team?
Offers for personal growth
We want you to reach your full potential, so we offer opportunities for personal growth.
Alpha courses
At Alpha, we embark together on a search for the meaning of life. If you are interested in the Christian faith or have only recently decided for Jesus, we recommend this course. Here, the questions “Who is Jesus Christ?” or “Where does my Bible come from?” are explored together. During the course you will get an overview of what a Christian believes. If you are interested in an Alpha course, please contact our office and we will be happy to help you.
Foundation faith course
You believe in Jesus Christ and want to deepen your foundation? Our basic faith course gives you the opportunity to grow in your faith. If you are interested in our basic faith course, please contact our office, we will be happy to help you.
Leadership training and mentoring
A top priority for us is to train leaders for the future. Not only because we need them, but because everyone should reach their maximum potential. We help with training days for beginners, mentoring for further development, and seminars for those destined for greater responsibility, even as elders or church planters. If you are interested, contact our office and we will be happy to help you.
Promoveo, Latin for “to move forward”, is the name of the Bible School of the Jesus Gemeinde. Through challenging theological and practical seminars, the Bible School is designed to help you move forward with God. Forward into a more intense relationship with God, forward into greater abilities to serve others and take responsibility in the church. We train leaders who enthusiastically and passionately lead people into a deep relationship with Jesus.
Activate+ Leadership Training
Activate+ is a practical training and goal-oriented mentoring program for church planters, for leaders of existing churches and for people who want to make a difference in the kingdom of God.
Donating a significant portion of our income is an expression of trust in God. It is He who provides for us. Giving is a kind of praise that practically expresses our gratitude to God and our love for God’s church.
By your giving, you show that God has first place in your life. And you do a lot of good because with your finances God’s kingdom is built.
All our projects are funded by voluntary donations. They are 100% transparent. Finances are used carefully and effectively in the projects. We want as much good as possible to be done with your joyfully given money.
Ölzweig e. V.
DE02 8505 0300 3120 0512 40
Donations for the building project
Ölzweig e. V.
DE46 8505 0300 3200 0263 66
Social work, Ethiopia, Refugees
Begegnung e. V.
DE54 8505 0300 3200 0741 40
If you include your address with the transfer, you will receive a donation receipt in January of the following year.